Welcome to your new home at Regency Bay! To mark this delightful moment, we would like to present you with a special gift. You may redeem ONE piece of Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool Formaldehyde™ HP09 (White/Gold) (Retail Price HK$6,980) for FREE. Delivery will be in mid-October.

為恭賀 閣下御海灣新居入伙,我們誠意送上入伙禮品乙份。閣下可免費換領Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool Formaldehyde™ 三合一甲醛暖風空氣清新機 HP09 (白金色) 乙件 (建議零售價 HK$6,980),預計10月中發貨。


Terms and Conditions 
1. The gift items redeemed by Regency Bay will be delivered in mid-October, there will be follow-up calls for delivery arrangement. 
2. The Gift Card is eligible for owners of Regency Bay only. Each unit is entitled to ONE set of Gift Card code, for redeeming ONE piece of gift item for ONCE only.
3. You should redeem the gift items at exclusive Welcome Gift Redemption website for Regency Bay owners (https://corpsolutions.jebsenconsumer.com/pages/regency-bay) within 90 days upon issuance of the Gift Card (inclusive of date of issue). Gift Card not activated will be void on the 91st day. The owner will be deemed to have forfeited the right for redemption.
4. The Gift Card is non-refundable, non-transferrable and not exchangeable for cash or items, and cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. The activated Gift Card or redeemed gift item cannot be exchanged for cash, revoked or canceled. No refund will be made under any circumstances.      
5. Product is available while stocks last. Sun Hung Kai Properties and Jebsen Consumer Products Co. Ltd reserve the right to substitute the products as listed on the front page with other products of comparable quality without prior notice.
6. The gift entitles a 2-year warranty in Hong Kong since the date of receipt. You should complete the guarantee registration at Jebsen Consumer Warranty Registration webpage and keep the hard copies of the warranty card and delivery note to enjoy the guarantee service. 
7. Sun Hung Kai Properties and Jebsen Consumer Products Co. Ltd reserve the right to amend the Terms & Conditions without prior notice. Should any dispute arise, the decision of Sun Hung Kai Properties and Jebsen Consumer Products Co. Ltd shall be final. For enquiries, please contact Jebsen Consumer Products Co. Ltd at (852) 3180 3020 or email to jcs@jebsen.com.
8. The images are for reference only.  

1. 御海灣換領的產品預計於十月中送貨, 送貨前將有電話通知預約送貨。
2. 禮品卡僅供御海灣業主使用。每戶只獲發一組禮品卡編號,以換領或選購禮品乙件乙次。
3. 閣下請於禮品卡發行日期起90天內(包括發行日期),於御海灣業主專用入伙禮品換領網站 (https://corpsolutions.jebsenconsumer.com/zh-tw/pages/regency-bay) 換領或選購心儀禮品。逾期仍未兌現之禮品卡將於第91天失效,並視作棄權論。
4. 禮品卡不得退還、轉讓,或轉換為現金或商品,或與任何其他優惠同時使用。已兌現之禮品卡或已換領之禮品不得兌換為現金,亦不可更改、撤回或取消其要求。任何退款要求均不獲被受理。
6. 禮品包括由收貨日起計2年內在香港的保養服務。閣下需自行到 Jebsen Consumer產品保用登記網頁完成登記,並保留送貨時附上之保養卡及送貨單,方可享用保養服務。
7. 新鴻基地產及捷成消費品有限公司保留在任何時候更改條款及細則之權利,恕不作另行通知。如有任何爭議,新鴻基地產及捷成消費品有限公司保留最終決定權。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 (852) 3180 3020或電郵至jcs@jebsen.com與捷成消費品有限公司職員聯絡。

8. 圖片僅供參考。