歡迎 閣下蒞臨 Marini新居!為恭賀 閣下新居入伙,我們誠意送上入伙禮品乙份。閣下可到Marini業主專用入伙禮品換領網站,免費換領 Dyson Pure Cool™ 座地式二合一風扇空氣清新機 - TP00 (銀白色)乙件:

1. MARINI 換領的產品約換領後一個月後送貨, 送貨前將有電話通知預約送貨。
3.閣下請於禮品卡發行日期起90天內(包括發行日期),於MARINI業主專用入伙禮品換領網站 (https://corpsolutions.jebsenconsumer.com/zh-tw/pages/marini) 建立帳戶然後換領或選購心儀禮品。逾期仍未兌現之禮品卡將於第91天失效,並視作棄權論。
5. Welcome gift is available while stocks last. Wheelock Properties (Hong Kong) Limited and Jebsen Consumer Products Co. Ltd reserve the right to substitute the products as listed on the front page with other products of comparable quality without prior notice.
7. Wheelock Properties (Hong Kong) Limited and Jebsen Consumer Products Co. Ltd reserve the right to amend the Terms & Conditions without prior notice. Should any dispute arise, the decision of Wheelock Properties (Hong Kong) Limited and Jebsen Consumer Products Co. Ltd shall be final. For enquiries, please contact Jebsen Consumer Products Co. Ltd at (852) 3180 3020 or email to jcs@jebsen.com.